Thursday, 26 April 2018

As a parent

I, as a parent of a  boy... promise to myself, for the well being of my own son,  that i will teach him to respect women. I will teach him that women are not objects of lust or revenge. I will teach him humanity. As a mother of a son, this is the most important yet easiest step i can take to safeguard the daughters around and to protect humanity.

Teaching girls to protect themselves is not can a 3 year old infant or an 80 year old lady protect herself. We need to teach our boys to not look at the opposite gender as sexual driving objects but as a being. A God dwelling being . The media has taught us nothing but perversion, to run behind a girl to impress her, If she is not yielding, you either kill her or kill yourself.. The cinema songs teaches us its COOL to be a pervert. Let's build our next generation boys to be there for a girl who needs help. Not to show heroism but to be a Good Samaritan .. To show courtesy and gentleness not because a girl is a weaker sex but because she deserves your kindness and gentleness.  To care and lend a helping hand , not to show off your virtues but that's what your Mom and Dad taught you to be. And not to forget, To be a human being, to cry when it hurts and to always be dependable. And let us start with our own boy.

Lets begin a chain.  Share this thought, let it become a part of our lives. Let it become a part of the list of things we teach our boys.

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